A job ad has a lifetime of 30 days.
You can extend its duration for 30 more days if you still have job ads left in your pack.
1/ Your job ad has expired:
- Click on the 'Jobs' section in your back office.
- Go to the the 'Expired' tab.
- Click on the job ad you want to republish.
- Click on 'Publish again'.
- Modify the content if needed. In step 3, select the type of job ad you would like to use, depending on the pack you have acquired with us.
- Click on 'Publish'. The job ad will be visible for 30 more days.
2/ Your job ad is still online:
- Click on the 'Jobs' section in your back office.
- Go to the the 'Ongoing' tab.
- Click on the job ad you want to republish.
- Click on 'Repost job ad'. Be aware that this option is only possible for job ads published with a premium credit.
- The job ad will then move up the list and will be visible for 30 more days.
1 job credit will be used.
For example: if you republish your job ad 15 days after its initial publication, it will be online for another 45 days, i.e. the remaining 15 days in addition to the 30 days corresponding to a normal publication period.
Therefore, if you published your job ad on March 1st and republish it on March 15th, it will be online until April 29th.
If you would like to schedule the republication of your job ads, please read our article How to schedule the republication of my job ads?
Also, if you would like to boost the visibility of a job ad in particular, you can use your Sponsored ads.