Watch the tutorial below to learn how to target your job ads on JobTeaser!
In the jobs module, you can tailor the visibility of a job ad to reach specific schools and universities, ensuring you're targeting the right talent.
Don’t see this option? Reach out to our Customer Care Team at — we’re here to help! 😊
1. Create or select your job ad
If you haven't created your job ad yet, simply click the 'Create a job ad' button on your dashboard, or head to 'Jobs' in the side menu and select ‘Add a job ad’ in the top right corner.
If you’ve already created your job ad but haven’t published it yet, you’ll find it under the ‘Unpublished’ tab. Click on ‘Review & publish the job’ next to the job ad you want to modify.
2. Choose your audience
In step 2, Application, look for the option 'Restrict to some schools'. Click on 'Add schools' to start selecting where your job ad will be visible.
3. Select your schools or university basket
You can either pick schools directly from the list, or use a pre-created basket of universities (click here to learn more about baskets). Once you're happy with your selection, confirm the visibility settings.
4. Publish your job ad
Click 'Continue', choose the credit type you'd like to use for this job ad, and hit 'Publish'. Your job ad is on its way to the right audience! 🎯
❗ A few things to keep in mind:
- You can target up to 400 schools per job ad.
- Targeted job ads will be visible only in the Career Centers of the chosen schools and on the dashboards of students attending those schools. They won’t appear on JobTeaser’s main website.
Therefore, keep in mind that restricting the visibility of your job ads could be less effective than if they were visible to all users on JobTeaser’s website.
And don’t worry — you can always update your targeting while the job ad is live. If you decide to broaden your reach, simply head to the Ongoing section of your job ads, select the targeted job, click on 'More' > 'Restrict visibility', then clear your selection and validate the changes. Your job ad will then be visible to all Career Centers and on the JobTeaser website.