If you can’t locate your Push Com on the website, don't worry! There are a few things you can check to understand what’s published and who can see it. Let’s walk through the key points together:
Is your Push Com targeted to…
- specific schools? 🎓
Targeting certain schools limits your Push Com’s visibility to students of those schools only. This means it won't show up on your company page or the general Events section of JobTeaser for you. But, no worries! Students from those schools will see your Push Com on your company page and on their dashboard.
- a specific contract type? 📝
When targeting a Recruitment Campaign Push Com to a specific contract type, it will only be visible to students who are filtering on this contract type. So, it’s tailored to exactly who you're looking for!
- specific job categories? 💼
If you’ve selected specific job categories, your Push Com will only show up for students filtering on those categories.
- specific countries? 🌍
Targeting by country? Your Push Com will only be visible to students selecting the same countries as a filter, ensuring you get the attention of the right local talent.
In what language did you write your Push Com? 🌐
Push Coms appear in a student’s search results based on their language settings. For instance, if a student has set the language of their page to French, they will only see Push Coms written in French.
Also, keep in mind: for your Push Com to be displayed on your company page, it needs to match the language of your page. So, double-check that everything aligns!