A Push Com is a communication tool at JobTeaser to highlight your company's recruitment events or campaigns. It’s visible for up to 30 days in Career Centers and on jobteaser.com, giving you a powerful way to connect with young talent. 🎯
Where will your Push Com appear?
Recruitment Event Push Coms are displayed
- on the students’ dashboard;
- on the tab “Events” on jobteaser.com;
- in the weekly events newsletters sent to students if it matches their criteria;
- and on your premium company page under the "News & Events" tab if you have one.
Recruitment Campaign Push Coms appear
- on the students’ dashboard;
- on the tab “Jobs” on jobteaser.com;
- and on the "News & Events" tab if you have a premium company page.
Why use a Push Com?
Recruitment events 🌟
When young talents log in to their JobTeaser account, they see events that match their profile right on their dashboard. By promoting your events with a Push Com on JobTeaser, you increase the visibility of your company page and shine a light on your employer brand.
It’s a great tool for promoting events like:
Open days
After-work meetups
Get-to-know sessions
Q&A events
Recruitment campaigns 🚀
If you're in the middle of an active recruiting period, a Push Com can help get your job ads in front of the right eyes. It highlights your open positions directly on the job ad pages, where student traffic is high, making sure they see your roles at the right moment. Recruitment campaigns should be tailored to the type of talent you’re looking for, fitting perfectly with their search criteria.
Who to contact for more information?
Got questions or want to know more about Push Coms? Reach out to your Account Manager— they’ll be happy to help you take full advantage of this feature! 💬