Here is a step-by-step guide with our tips for creating or improving your company page!
✅ Gather at least all the required elements for the activation of your company page before starting its creation on your backoffice.
📺 Sign up for a live webinar on creating a company page or contact directly the Customer Care Team for more specific question
How to edit your company page in your backoffice
- Introductory information
- Website and social media links
- Company overview
- Teams
- Recruitment information
- Legal text to be displayed for “CV only” applications
How to edit your company page in your backoffice
1. Click on 'Update your Company Page information' in your backoffice or click on ‘Company page’ in the side menu.
2. If you clicked through via the side menu, click on the 'Edit' button at the top right of your screen to edit your page.
⚠️ If your company page is available in different languages, please note that you need to save your changes in one language first before switching to the other one.
Introductory information
Let's start with the information displayed in your company page header (headband of your company page). When the Customer Care created your backoffice, some elements have been filled out already:
Organisation name
Main industry
Secondary industries
Business type
Company slogan: the catch phrase of your company in max. 100 characters.
Logo: please note that its size must be at least 400x400 pixels, in high quality, in a square format.
Cover image: displayed as a banner above your job ads if you have a premium company page.
Website and social media links ✅ at least 1 link is mandatory
This info will be displayed as clickable icons in the banner to redirect students to your own website and social media platforms.
- Website URL: link your company’s homepage
- Social media: link up to 4 social medias
Company overview
Institutional video:
Corporate video to present your company on the tab Inside the company.
How to fill up this field in the backoffice ?
- Check the video field “Is there a Video”, complete a title and insert the URL.
- Only videos on YouTube & Vimeo are compatible with our platform.
How is it displayed on your company page in front-office?
- The video is displayed next to the Company Overview text.
- If you don’t add a video here, we will automatically display the last image uploaded in the media gallery. To avoid duplicated content, we highly recommend you to add a video here.
Key information about your company:
Location of headquarters ✅ mandatory:
- Indicate the address of your headquarters (only 1). We recommend you to put the exact address, example: 19 rue Blanche, 75009 Paris, France.
- It will be displayed in the header with a link to Google maps.
Founding year
International presence: even if you operate in one country only, you can fill out this field with '1'.
Gender parity
Average age of your employees: this can be a great indicator in terms of atmosphere and working environment of a company.
If you have a premium company page, you can add more key info that will appear on the Teams tab:
Number of Employees:
If you have a standard company page, this info will appear only on your company card.
If you have premium company page, this field also appears on the Teams tab.
Top 3 countries where your offices are located
Select in the list the 3 main countries where your company has offices. If you are a local player, please don’t be shy to indicate this - being locally strong can be a real asset!
CSR Information
Here you can talk about your Corporate Social Responsibility, a highly relevant topic for younger generations, highlighted in a dedicated section on the first tab of your company page.
3 key accomplished actions by the company in terms of CSR:
- Complete the following fields (limit of 100 characters only) for example:
- No more plastic coffee capsules in the office any longer
- Improved waste separation
- A tree sponsorship with the local community
- Complete the following fields (limit of 100 characters only) for example:
Describe your next CSR commitments:
- Free text field - limit of 400 characters.
- To display this info, the user need to click on the button “Find out more” and a pop up window will appear.
Labels related to CSR:
- You can add the URLs of the labels you have. Choices are limited to the ones available in the backoffice.
- These will also appear in the "Find out more" section.
Company Label Content - for premium company page only
If you have any, add your labels from certifying companies linked to JobTeaser. Only 2 labels maximum will be displayed in the front office.
- ChooseMyCompany: insert your permalink here
- GreatPlaceToWork: insert your URL and the year of your latest certification
- Glassdoor: insert your URL
Required FAQ ✅ mandatory
Young talents often have similar questions when it comes to looking for a potential employer. Stand out from the crowd and answer the questions as transparent as possible.
- 3 out of 4 questions are mandatory to answer, limit of 300 characters per answer.
Additional FAQ - for premium company page only:
Premium company pages can add 2 more questions and answers. What aspects of your employer brand would you like to highlight? What would you wish that applicants knew before entering the hiring process with you? The more specific you are, the better!
- Maximum 70 characters per question and 300 characters per answer.
- Nothing is displayed if you leave these fields empty.
Company Overview ✅ mandatory
- The company presentation text can be a short text about who you are and what you do.
- We strongly recommend to start your text with some interesting facts, a powerful introduction, anything relevant for our young talents to know about your company. There is a “Read more” button to display the rest of the text.
- Only text is allowed in this field.
- This text will be shown at the top of the page, next to the video of presentation.
The main values of your company ✅ mandatory
Find the best fitting words to describe your company culture.
Examples: "impact, resources, future, ambition” or “international, resourceful, environmental, together” or “creating, innovating, building, renovating”.
- You can complete up to 4 fields, 5 words maximum per field.
- If you have less than 4 values, you can leave some fields empty.
- If you have more than 4 values, you can add in one field two values separated by a black dot (•).
Teams (for premium company page only)
Discover our team ✅ mandatory - for premium company page only
Here you can present your team and your company culture more in detail. Only text allowed into this field.
Recruitment information
Email address to receive spontaneous applications
Indicate your generic email to receive spontaneous applications.
Displayed on the jobs tab if you have no online job offers on JobTeaser. In that case, the user will see the option to send a spontaneous application to this email address.
If this field is empty in the backoffice, users will see a button to follow your company page.
Legal text to be displayed for “CV only” applications (optional)
Ensure transparency with candidates by displaying a legal notice when they apply to your job ads on JobTeaser. This feature allows you to inform applicants about how their data will be processed.
You can either write in the dedicated field directly or include a link to an online document with detailed terms and conditions for added clarity and professionalism. Example: "By clicking on apply, you accept [company]'s terms and conditions [link] as well."
Further content
Brands - for premium company page only
A unique section “ecosystem” (at the bottom of the page) shows the other company pages within your company group & brands.
- If you are interested in linking other company pages to yours, please contact the Customer Care team.
- Brands: select the language of your company page you want to add as a brand (if you have a company page in multiple languages) and click on the button “Add”
Testimonials - for premium company page only
The testimonial section (with videos and/or images) are displayed on the Teams tab.
Side notes:
- Please ignore the description box as this is not visible on your company page.
- Only videos on YouTube and Vimeo are compatible with our platform. Remember to add a thumbnail in order to save it.
Articles ✅ mandatory - for premium company page only
The tab 'News and events' displays all the events and the articles of your company.
- Create at least 1 article in the backoffice to get your page validated.
- Select the language in which you want to add an article (if you have a company page in multiple languages) and click on the button “Add”.
Media gallery ✅ mandatory
The media gallery is your virtual showroom with photo and video content. Upload a minimum of 2 media files, including at least 1 image.
- You can upload unlimited content: select either “Add image” or “Add video”.
- Formats for pictures: PNG or JPEG, please mind the file size and required dimensions indicated.
- Formats for videos: YouTube or Vimeo, add a thumbnail to save it.
- Pictures are displayed in the header.
- You can upload unlimited content: select either “Add image” or “Add video”.
- Videos are displayed further below the page.
Custom messages
- This feature allows you to display a custom message to students of a specific school. To do so, select a school from the network of JobTeaser and add your message.
- This message will be displayed at the top of your company page, highlighting exclusive content for students of the school in question: exclusive jobs, events*, insights.
- This feature allows you to display a custom message to students of a specific school. To do so, select a school from the network of JobTeaser and add your message.
* Exclusive content refers to content where schools are targeted. Example: restricting visibility of job ads, selecting schools on Push Coms.