In this tutorial we show you step by step how to create and publish a testimonial:
Testimonials aim at explaining to young talents the main tasks and possible career paths of a given job. They will appear in front office in the Teams tab of your company page.
What should be the content of a testimonial?
You can ask your employees a few questions to explain their job:
- What was their training?
- What are the main tasks of the job?
- Why did they choose to do this job?
- What skills (hard skills and soft skills) are required to do it?
- What are the possible professional developments?
- What are the advantages of doing this job in your company?
To create a testimonial, go to the 'Company page' section of your back office and click on the 'Testimonials' button on the right of your screen.
Select the language of your company page if you have multiple, and click on 'Add'.
Fill in the name, the generic position and the contract types available for this job in your company. This info won't be directly visible on the testimonial, but it is necessary to categorise it correctly. The generic position will link your testimonial - if you added a video as explained below - to one of our job roles students can consult.
Then, add a picture or a video.
If you want to add an image, make sure they show your team spirit or describe a role in your company by including text (for example a quote) on the image itself. Please note that the maximum file size is 3MB.
If you want to add a video, tick the box ‘Is there a video?’. Fill in its title, url and a preview picture to be able to save it. The actual thumbnail will come from the video player. Note that the video should be hosted on YouTube and Vimeo.
All other fields, such as the description box, can be ignored as they won't be visible in the front office. Our back office will be updated soon according to the new features of the front office, thank you for understanding!
Finally, click on ‘Create this position’.
You will then be able to activate, edit, preview or delete the testimonial you have created.
If you want to publish the testimonial, click on 'Activate'. Then, you'll have the possibility to see the result in the front office by clicking on ‘Preview’.